Worldly Thinking
    The world's futile thinking is evident all around us:
    We restrict cigarette advertising in order to protect children from being persuaded to smoke, and yet refuse to restrict pornography because there is no proof that viewing obscene material leads to immoral conduct.
    We punish someone with a severe fine for disturbing an eagle's egg, but legalize the killing of an unborn child. We kill the unborn child but want to save the unborn baby seals in Alaska.
    We protect the rights of rock singers to promote drugs and violence on public property on the basis of free speech, yet prohibit a preacher from praying at school functions on the grounds that prayer may offend some children.

    We conclude that complex human bodies are here by "a bizarre evolutionary accident," but reason that scribbles on a cave wall prove conclusively that cavemen lived there thousands of years ago.
    We decree that one who kills a policeman should receive the death penalty "so that criminals will think twice about killing law-enforcement officers," but then we request life imprisonment for other murderers because "capital punishment is no deterrent to crime."
    We encourage overweight people to discipline their appetites because obesity endangers health but endorse the gay lifestyle since people are "born" with homosexual desires.
    We reject the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ as unprovable but believe in black holes in outer space that have never been seen.
    "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:21,22).
    Whats the point?  Don’t vote for the worldly thinkers they leading us in the wrong direction.
    Take time to Consider
l. Do you agree that rebellion against God leads to foolish actions? 2. What evidence of foolish, futile thinking do you see in today's world?
3.What ideas or practices do we accept today that would shock our grandparents?