Keep pressing on!
The example of the apostle Paul should inspire us older Christians to make the most of life’s final chapter.  Paul wrote the book of the Philippians when he was prisoner in Rome around A.D. 62.  His circumstances could easily have discourage him.  He was aging.  He was imprisoned.  His future was uncertain.
Paul had many reasons to put his life in neutral and coast toward the finish line.  Yet he wrote,  “I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do:  Forget what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christi Jesus.”  (Philippians 3:13-14)

Never Ending Service.
Even though Paul was now older and  confined by chains,  he wrote about growing in his knowledge of Christ,  straining toward a promising future,  and pressing on toward the eternal goal.  He concluded,  “All of us who are mature should take such a view of things”  ( v. 15 ).
Christian service doesn’t end when our children leave home.  Neither does it end when we retire.  Retirement  should be regarded as an opportunity for service - not a time of indulgence.  The Christian life isn’t over when we our health breaks and we are confined to a hospital bed or a nursing home.  Jesus said,  “Be faithful,  even to the point of death,  and I will give you the crown of life”  Revelation 2:10 ).
Bertel Thorvaldsen,  the 19th century sculptor,  was once asked what he considered to be his finest work.  He replied,  “My next one.”  That should be our attitude toward the Christian life.  We anticipate that the next chapter of our lives is going to be the most productive.
Former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden who live  beyond  99 years.  Most  believers would concur that his godly influence since his retirement 34 years ago has been his most significant contribution.  George Beverly Shea was 101 years old and couldn’t sing like he once did.  But Shes’a joyful spirit has lifted thousands because he was still straining toward what is ahead.
Regardless of your age.  be content with your physical circumstance  ( Philippians 4:11 )  believe me I know getting older is not easy.  Believe me I have my frustrations with health.  When you know how to grow old gracefully please tell me.  Don’t be content with your spiritual accomplishments.  Maybe you don’t have the energy or the influence you once did,  but keep on keeping on.  Forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead;  press for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus.  The best is yet to come.
    Go For It!
    Dr. Paul Leavens