I want to recommend “Prayer, Piece in the Presence of God.” A 30 day journey to experience the Saloma of Jesus by David Butts from prayer shop publishing company. Terre Haute, Indiana.
Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God is not designed to be read like a book. It is a 30-day prayer guide, designed to be taken in daily doses. Chew on the content of each day, pray over it, let the prayer and prayer point each day sink in to your soul. After doing that, throughout the day as the Lord brings back to mind what you read, continue to process it through prayer.
Dave Butts writes, My encouragement to you is that as you lay your burdens and stresses at the feet of Jesus, you will experience God's peace and God's presence as a regular part of your ongoing walk with Jesus.
My hope and prayer for you is that after 30 days of focusing on Jesus' peace, walking in peace will be a way of life for you.
In the Epilogue in the back of the book David writes:
Thank you for joining me on this journey to the shalom of Jesus. Personally it has been a very real journey with lots of twists and turns. Most of this book was written while in a hospital bed, fighting stage 4 Mantle Cell Lymphoma. While considered an incurable cancer, medical research has allowed it to be more of a chronic disease for many. The good news for me is that as I finished this book, I moved into remission!
The Lord also taught me much about not trying to see how much I could accomplish on my own, but about depending wholly upon him. I was amazed at how much effective ministry, whether writing, videos, conference calls, or times of deep prayer, could happen from a hospital bed. It's not the place or way I would have chosen, but the Lord demonstrated his sovereign power over any and all circumstances. As I move away from a hospital bed, back into more traditional ministry,
I have read my copy twice. If you are in the midst of a trial that robbing you of peace, I recommend take this journey. This will is away of boosting your faith and surrendering your life to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Pastor Paul Leavens