Why I am a member of the Christian Church?
Why I Am a member of the Christian Church.
"What church are you with?" "Christian." "No, I mean what denomination." "Christian. We just call ourselves Christians." "Oh."
I could not begin to count how many times I engaged in such an exchange, and I am sure it is familiar to many in our fellowship. By insisting that Christians should call themselves just that, the 19th-century American religious leader Alexander Campbell clearly signaled a return to fundamentals and equipped us with a marvelous intellectual "foot-in-the-door."
Do we leave people torn up or built up?
Do we leave people torn up or built up?
Amid all the talk about health care these days, God calls us to take care of our own bodies. I shouldn't blame the government if I overstuff myself daily with excessive calories and carbs. Insurance companies can't prevent their clients from careless drinking and driving. Education helps, but teachers and principals can't monitor every student's choices about drugs and sex.
Jesus says, Follow Me.
MARK 1:14-20
When Jesus says, Follow me" it's the most amazing invitation you will ever get. Say yes to it.
Are you ever impatient with your life?
Do you ever grow weary of the routine, of the way things are?
Are you absolutely content with where your life is heading on its present vector?
Faith is a lifestyle, not a word to be define
Faith is a lifestyle to live, not just a word to define.
The New Testament portrays the early church with stark realism, and the picture isn't always pretty. The 12 apostles quarreled over which of them was the greatest. Ananias and Sapphira were greedy and dishonest. Immature, divisive members of the Corinthian church misunderstood key doctrines and engaged in appalling immorality. Barnabas and Paul disagreed sharply about Mark's role as a missionary.
Many today see Christians in a negative light. Skeptics consider us hypocrites-weak-minded phonies who use God for a crutch. Politicians see us as a voting bloc. Movie-makers cast us as villains. Culture-watchers point out the church's waning influence on society.
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