Praise For Anxious For Nothing
"I love Max Lucado and I love his book, Anxious for Nothing. Scripture is so clear on the topic of worry, and Max has beautifully, and accessibly, laid out a plan for dealing with the stress that can rule, and ruin, our lives."
"Anxious for Nothing is a profound and prophetic message for everyone in these chaotic times. Max reminds us that we can trust God in all things. He is good, he does good, and he is working all things together for your good and His Glory. Fear, terror, and uncertainty cripple so many, this book will help you to step into the future with faith and hope."
Billy Graham
Billy Graham passed away
The news came moments ago from family, who were by his side at the time of death. Billy Graham was perhaps the most significant religious figure of the 20th century, and the organizations and the movement he helped spawn continue to shape the 21st.
During his life, Graham preached in person to more than 100 million people and to millions more via television, satellite, and film. Nearly 3 million have responded to his invitation to "accept Jesus into your heart" at the end of his sermons. He proclaimed the gospel to more persons than any other preacher in history...
We will miss him RIP Brother Billy Graham, you were America's Preacher for years. We all admired you so much. Heaven is rejoicing now for sure.
Silent Night
“Silent Night” remains one of the most beloved of the traditional Christmas carols. The words, the tune, the message are all so simple yet so unforgettable (which is true of the Christmas message itself). The picture of the Christ child sleeping “in heavenly peace” amid less than ideal surroundings is one that beckons us during a season when crowds and commotion are all too common.
“Silent night” also describes an evening that took place, ironically, near the end of Jesus’ earthly life. That was the night of his betrayal and so-called trial—the series of events that led to the crucifixion. Like Bethlehem, Jerusalem that night was abuzz with activity—scheming, plotting, accusing, and all of it hurled at Jesus, the alleged Messiah. Men were gathered to do to Jesus the man what King Herod had failed to do to Jesus the infant.
Is bigger always better?
Is bigger always better?
Mark 6 records the feeding 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. Twelve basketfuls of leftovers were collected. But Mark 8 relates an occasion when Jesus fed 4,000 people with seven loaves. This time when all had eaten, only seven basketfuls were left over.
Was Jesus a poor showman? A performer always moves from the lesser to the greater, from the easy to the more difficult. A magician saves his most dramatic and spellbinding trick for the last. A circus entertainer saves the most death defying act for the grand finale. Fireworks always conclude with the loudest and most spectacular display. That’s the way you impress and maintain a crowd.
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