Finding Our Niche
Finding Our Niche
You have heard me say it before, but I will say it again: Lindsay Christian Church cannot do everything, but what it can do, it can and must do well. What is it that our church is uniquely suited to do? That question is important not only to our sense of identity but to our sense of mission and purpose. Discovering and developing our purpose is the key to our church's future.
I really like Nehemiah
Nehemiah: The Fix Nehemiah 1:1-11 ·
Today we're going to be looking at the prophet nehemiah. You know he was the shortest Prophet in the Bible don't you?
Sure, his name says it all Knee-High-miah.
I really like Nehemiah:
One night many years ago, a Christian woman couldn't sleep. It was well past her usual bedtime, but she found herself overwhelmed with fear. Her husband, Colonel Gracie, was crossing the Atlantic that night on his way home from England. When she couldn't push the frightening thoughts away, she got out of bed and began to pray.
A Vision of Otherness
-- Pastor Paul Communion Meditation
At the North American Christian Convention this summer we were singing a medley of songs that ended with a beautifully chorus that repeated the word holy over and over and over. I closed my eyes and got lost in the word and found, quite unexpectedly, a new understanding of who Jesus is and what holy means.
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