Nobody's Perfect
Nobody's perfect! What a weird thing to say! It affirms the world's biggest problem, that being that nobody's perfect.
The closest man to perfect I ever met in my life was my mother's father, my grandpa Bishop. He once told me he didn't like beer because it tasted like dishwater to him, which led meta understand he tasted it sometimes his life. So nobody's perfect, I guess.
Then there's his grandson Tom who tasted mucho beer between the age of 16 and 23. The world's biggest problem? Nobody's nerfect again!
The Apostle Paul defined the problem under inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Romans 3:23, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (NIV) We have all sinned and come up short of perfection which is the glory of God. Why is perfection the glory of God? Because it is without sin, which is behavior that violates the holiness of God.
I have known some really good people over the last 76 years of life but no one, not even my saintly grandpa Bishop was perfect, coming short of God's glory.
What's the solution to our lack of righteousness, meaning our inability to conduct ourselves according to God's glory without sinning, affirming again that nobody's perfect.
The solution is to find righteousness! But where do we find righteousness? Romans 3:22 has our problem licked! Romans 3:22, "This righteousness is given to us through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile." (NIV)
How can righteousness be given to us through Jesus Christ? Good question! Only one guy has righteousness because only one guy lived without sinning. Who is that, you might ask? Jesus, the Messiah! He lived 33 years without sinning! No one else ever did that!
How do we get righteousness from Him since He's the only source? He gives it to us through faith, meaning when we trust Him and what He paid on the cross 2,000 years ago.
The only perfect one died for all of us who are imperfect and when we trust His payment he does an Electric Funds Transfer to our faith account of His righteousness which then stands for us and solves our biggest issue that nobody's perfect!
Bless You, Tom West, Minister
Sin Canyon's Bridge. 1 Timothy 2:5
I Was raised in Flagstaff, Arizona, 82 miles from the Grand Canyon. Nothing compares to the Grand Canyon! I have been to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon dozens of times in my life, but never to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.
Many people might be thinking, "I didn't know there was a North Rim to the Grand Canyon." If you have a canyon running East and West and there is a South rim to that canyon, there has to be a North rim to that canyon. that makes sense to me!
The narrowest part of the Grand Canyon is 10 miles wide, with the largest distance across being 18 miles wide. No one has ever constructed a ten mile long bridge! So, to get to the North rim of the Grand Canyon you have to drive on US 89 North, and then on US 89A North for 196.8 miles to get to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.
The Grand Canyon is known as the third largest Canyon on earth. But the largest canyon on earth is not physical. I call it Sin Canyon! Romans 3:23 defines Sin Canyon, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (NIV) Sin forces a canyon between God and man.
There is a bridge across the world's largest canyon, Sin Canyon! 2 Timothy 2:5, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." (NIV) Jesus is the mediator between God on one side of Sin Canyon and mankind of the other side of Sin Canyon.
How diid Jesus become the bridge across Sin Canyon? 2 Timothy 2:6A, "Who gave himself a ransom for all people." (NIV) He died on a bloody cross to pay the ransom to free us from our sin, becoming the bridge over Sin Canyon to get mankind and God back together in a relationship that lasts forever in God's heaven.
It there was a 10-mile-long bridge across the Grand Canyon, I aim not sure I woulds trust it! It would seem hard to trust a man made bridge that spanned 10 miles over the Grand Canyon. The bridge over Sin Canyon is God built and based on Jesus' sacrifice on the cross!
The bridge over Sin Canyon is a God thing and it is totally trustworthy! Trust Jesus and cross the Sin Canyon Bridge and be headed for a power relationship with God, along with being headed for His heaven.
Bless You, Tom West, Minister
The Ministers Message
Our worship service for this coming Sunday, February 2, 2025 will include a message from Ephesians 6:1-4, titled Parent Child Relations. This message will be the third to last message from Ephesians, then we will study some selected passages from the Psalms. I hope you will join us for these services.
Each Sunday at 9:00 am we have our table class in rooms 3 and 4. We meet around tables for fellowship and prayer after I teach a 30 minute lesson from the book of Acts. I hope you won't miss this great opportunity for fellowship and some good bible teaching from the very important book of Acts.
Please call on me any time I can serve you, and always feel free to call my cell number, 602.758.1168!
Big Blessings, Tom West
The Ministers Message
I hope you will plan to join us Sunday January 12, 2025 at 9:00 for our Table Class, where you join a table for fellowship and I teach a lesson from the book of Acts. We will look at Acts 5:1-11 this week and see the history of Ananias and Sapphire. It is important, and I hope you will be there and bring a friend.
We will go to worship at 10:00 with a great time of worship and praise, then the Lord's Supper and a message from Acts 5:15-20 that I call Wise Living.
On January 26 I am going to teach a lesson that I call, The Jesus Tool. This is designed to introduce people to ten steps to know God in a personal way. I hope you will be on hand for a great time of teaching in worship that day. After worship we are having a luncheon together, so I am sure you won't want to miss January 26.
Blessings, Tom West, Minister
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